Mastering the Art of Quieting Your PS5 Controller | Power Off Tips


We know how important it is to look after your gaming hardware because we are ourselves big gamers.

 Your PS5 controller's durability and battery life are both preserved by appropriately powering it off. 

You will find detailed instructions for turning off your controller in this manual, minimizing excessive battery waste.

Mastering the Art of Quieting Your PS5 Controller

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Why Powering Off the PS5 Controller Matters
  • Step 1: Complete Your Gaming Session
  • Step 2: Access the Control Center
  • Step 3: Select the Controller Icon
  • Step 4: Choose "Turn Off Controller"
  • Alternative Method: Using Rest Mode
  • Step 5: Confirm Your Choice
  • Benefits of Powering Off Your Controller
  • Tips for Prolonging Controller Battery Life
  • Common Myths about PS5 Controllers
  • Troubleshooting: Controller Not Powering Off
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Conclusion

Why Powering Off the PS5 Controller Matters

Many gamers assume that simply putting their PS5 console in rest mode will suffice. 

However, keeping your controller turned on during rest mode can drain the battery over time. 

By powering off the controller separately, you can avoid this issue and extend your gaming sessions in the long run.

Mastering the Art of Quieting Your PS5 Controller

step 1: complete your gaming session.

Ensure that you quit the game and return to the main menu before turning off your controller. 

This guarantees the appropriate archiving of your game's data and guards against any unforeseen malfunctions.

 step 2: enter the Control Center

To open the Control Center, hold down the PlayStation button. 

You may quickly access several PS5 console features from this menu.

Step 3: Select the Controller Icon

In the Control Center, locate the icon that represents your controller. 

It should be labeled with your profile name or "Player 1."

Step 4: Choose "Turn Off Controller"

Navigate to the controller icon and select "Turn Off Controller." 

A confirmation prompt will appear.

Alternative Method: Using Rest Mode

If you plan to take a short break from gaming, consider using the Rest Mode feature. 

Press and hold the PlayStation button, then choose "Enter Rest Mode" from the Quick Menu. 

This puts your console in a low-power state and conserves energy.

Step 6: Confirm Your Decision

Once you've selected "Turn Off Controller," confirm your decision by hitting the relevant button when asked. 

The light bar on your controller will turn off, indicating that it has been successfully shut down.

Mastering the Art of Quieting Your PS5 Controller

Benefits of Powering Off Your Controller

Powering off your PS5 controller offers several benefits, including:

Battery Conservation: Prevents unnecessary battery drain during rest mode.

Extended Lifespan: Increases the longevity of your controller by reducing wear and tear.

Reduced Heat: Helps keep your gaming area cooler by turning off unnecessary components.

Tips for Prolonging Controller Battery Life

Dim the controller's light bar brightness to save energy.

Use a wired connection for multiplayer gaming to conserve battery.

Keep your controller firmware up to date to optimize performance.

Common Myths about PS5 Controllers

Myth: Leaving the controller on standby mode is the same as turning it off.

Myth: Rest mode doesn't affect battery life.

Myth: You should always charge your controller to 100% before playing.

Troubleshooting: Controller Not Powering Off

If your controller doesn't power off using the methods above, try the following:

Restart Your Console: Sometimes a simple console restart can resolve the issue.

Check for Updates: Ensure your console's software is up to date.

Reset the Controller: Use a small pin to press the reset button on the back of the controller

frequently asked questions (faqs)

Q: Can I charge my controller while it's powered off?

A: Yes, you can charge your controller even when it's powered off.

Q: Does rest mode affect game updates?

A: No, rest mode allows your console to continue downloading updates.

Q: Can I turn off the controller without accessing the Control Center?

A: Yes, you can simply hold the PlayStation button for 10 seconds to force power off.

Q: Will powering off the controller delete my saved game data?

A: No, powering off the controller will not delete your saved game data.

Q: Is it better to power off the controller or use rest mode?

A: It's recommended to power off the controller for extended breaks to save battery life.


Properly powering off your PS5 controller is a small yet crucial step in maintaining your gaming equipment. 

By following our step-by-step guide, you can ensure that your controller remains in top-notch condition and ready for your next gaming adventure. 

Remember, taking care of your equipment leads to a more enjoyable gaming experience!