Level Up Your PS5: 120Hz HDMI Cable Compatibility

In the fast-paced world of gaming, where every frame matters, the quest for the best visual experience is unending. 

With the advent of the PlayStation 5 (PS5), gamers have been treated to stunning graphics and smooth gameplay.

However, one question that has emerged in the gaming community is whether the PS5 HDMI cable supports 120Hz.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the intricacies of HDMI technology, refresh rates, and compatibility, to finally answer this burning question.

Level Up Your PS5

Understanding HDMI and Refresh Rates

Before we delve into the compatibility of the PS5 HDMI cable with 120Hz, let's grasp the fundamentals.

HDMI, which stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface, is the industry standard for transmitting high-definition audio and video signals between devices. 

It has evolved over the years, with the latest version being HDMI 2.1.

Refresh rate, on the other hand, refers to the number of frames that a display can show per second. 

It's measured in Hertz (Hz). 

A higher refresh rate results in smoother motion and reduced motion blur, crucial aspects for immersive gaming.

Level Up Your PS5

HDMI 2.1: The Game Changer

The PS5 comes equipped with HDMI 2.

1 ports, a significant upgrading  from its predecessor.

HDMI 2.1 boasts several advancements, including support for higher resolutions, increased bandwidth, and most importantly, higher refresh rates. 

This leads us to the big question: can the PS5 HDMI cable support 120Hz?

Unleashing the Power of 120Hz

The short answer is yes, the PS5 HDMI cable does indeed support 120Hz. 

With HDMI 2.1, the PS5 can deliver ultra-high-definition gaming content at refresh rates up to 120Hz.

This means that compatible games can be played with smoother animations and reduced input lag, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Making the Most of 120Hz

To fully take advantage of the 120Hz support, you need more than just a compatible HDMI cable.

Your display, such as a TV or monitor, must also support 120Hz refresh rate.

Additionally, the game you're playing should be optimized to run at 120 frames per second (fps). 

When all these components align, you'll witness gaming visuals like never before.

Level Up Your PS5

Addressing Common Queries

1. Is an HDMI 2.0 cable sufficient for 120Hz gaming?

While HDMI 2.0 cables are capable of transmitting high-quality video and audio, they lack the bandwidth required for 120Hz gaming. To enjoy the benefits of 120Hz, an HDMI 2.1 cable is recommended.

2. Will all PS5 games run at 120Hz?

Not all PS5 games will run at 120Hz. The ability to run at higher refresh rates depends on how the game is developed and whether it is optimized for such performance.

3. Can I use my existing HDMI cable for 120Hz?

If your existing HDMI cable is HDMI 2.1 compliant and meets the bandwidth requirements, you may be able to use it for 120Hz gaming. However, using a cable specifically designed for HDMI 2.1 is the best way to ensure optimal performance.

4. Does 120Hz make a noticeable difference?

Yes, the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz is noticeable, particularly in fast-paced games. The higher refresh rate results in smoother animations and improved responsiveness.

5. How do I check if my TV supports 120Hz?

Check your TV's specifications or user manual to see if it supports a 120Hz refresh rate. Alternatively, you can navigate the TV's settings to find the display options.


In conclusion, the PS5 HDMI cable does indeed support 120Hz, thanks to the capabilities of HDMI 2.1.

This advancement opens the door to a more immersive and visually stunning gaming experience.

However, to fully reap the benefits, ensure that your display and the game you're playing are also optimized for 120Hz.

Now, gear up, dive into your favorite games, and relish the buttery-smooth gameplay that 120Hz brings.

[ FAQ'S ]

Q1: Is the PS5 HDMI cable included with the console?

A: Yes, the PS5 comes with an HDMI cable that supports the capabilities of HDMI 2.1.

Q2: Can I use a converter to achieve 120Hz on a non-compatible display?

A: Using a converter may not guarantee the same performance as a native 120Hz display. It's recommended to use a compatible display.

Q3: What other benefits does HDMI 2.1 provide?

A: HDMI 2.1 also supports features like Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) and Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), contributing to a smoother and more responsive gaming experience

Q4: Can I switch between 60Hz and 120Hz on my PS5?

A: Yes, the PS5 allows you to switch between different refresh rates based on your preferences and the capabilities of your display.