Does PS4 Support 120Hz? A Comprehensive Guide

 In the world of gaming, refresh rates have become a crucial factor in delivering a smooth and immersive experience. 

The PlayStation 4 (PS4), a beloved gaming console, has undergone several updates and changes over the years to enhance its performance and capabilities. 

One burning question that many gamers have is: Does the PS4 support 120Hz? In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of this topic, exploring the PS4's capabilities, compatibility, and the overall gaming experience it offers.

Does PS4 Support 120Hz

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Refresh Rates and Their Significance
  • The Evolution of PS4: Models and Features
  • Does the Base PS4 Support 120Hz?
  • PS4 Pro and 120Hz Compatibility
  • Enhancing Gameplay: Benefits of Higher Refresh Rates
  • How to Optimize Your Gaming Setup for 120Hz
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Conclusion

Understanding Refresh Rates and Their Significance

Refresh rate refers to the number of times per second a display refreshes its image. It is measured in Hertz (Hz). 

A higher refresh rate leads to smoother visuals and reduces motion blur, making it particularly important for fast-paced gaming. 

Many modern displays offer refresh rates of 60Hz, 120Hz, or even higher.

Does PS4 Support 120Hz

The Evolution of PS4: Models and Features

The PS4 has seen different iterations, each with its own improvements. 

These include the original PS4, the PS4 Slim, and the PS4 Pro.

 As the models progressed, so did the console's capabilities, including graphics quality and frame rates.

 Does the Base PS4 Support 120Hz?

The base PS4 model, unfortunately, does not support a 120Hz refresh rate. 

It is designed to primarily run games at 30fps or 60fps. 

While this is suitable for many games, competitive gamers and those seeking ultra-smooth gameplay may find themselves looking for alternatives.

PS4 Pro and 120Hz Compatibility

The PS4 Pro, however, brings some good news for high-refresh-rate enthusiasts. 

This upgraded version of the PS4 supports a 120Hz refresh rate, but with a catch. 

It can output at 1080p resolution with a 120Hz refresh rate, but not at higher resolutions like 1440p or 4K. 

This means that while you can enjoy the benefits of higher refresh rates, you'll have to compromise on resolution.

Does PS4 Support 120Hz

Enhancing Gameplay: Benefits of Higher Refresh Rates

Gaming at 120Hz can offer a competitive edge. 

The smoother motion allows for quicker reactions and more precise aiming, which can be a game-changer in fast-paced multiplayer games. 

However, the actual impact of higher refresh rates also depends on the game itself and the player's sensitivity to visual changes.

How to Optimize Your Gaming Setup for 120Hz

To make the most of a 120Hz gaming experience on the PS4 Pro, consider the following:

Display: Use a monitor or TV that supports a 120Hz refresh rate at 1080p.

Connection: Ensure you're using an HDMI cable that can handle the increased bandwidth requirements.

Game Settings: Some games offer a performance mode that prioritizes frame rate over resolution. Opt for this mode when available.

Enable Boost Mode: If playing on a PS4 Pro, the Boost Mode feature can potentially enhance frame rates for older games.


In the realm of gaming, the refresh rate is a critical factor that can elevate your gaming experience.

 While the base PS4 doesn't support 120Hz, the PS4 Pro steps up to the plate, offering the coveted higher refresh rate.

 By optimizing your setup and choosing compatible games, you can unlock the benefits of smoother gameplay. 

So, whether you're engaging in intense battles or exploring open worlds, a higher refresh rate can make it all the more immersive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I enable a 120Hz refresh rate on my base PS4?

No, the base PS4 does not support a 120Hz refresh rate. Only the PS4 Pro offers this capability.

Q2: Will all games run at 120Hz on the PS4 Pro?

While the PS4 Pro supports 120Hz, not all games will run at this higher frame rate. It depends on how the game is optimized by the developers.

Q3: Is a 120Hz refresh rate noticeable for casual gamers?

Casual gamers may not notice a significant difference between 60Hz and 120Hz. The benefits are more pronounced for competitive and fast-paced gaming.
